The Game
Unlike most deck-building games, Lockwood's Asylum allows players to build not only their own decks, but also the decks of their opponents. Each time a player purchases a Monster card, that card goes into the play area - or "Room" - of the player to their left.
Any Ally cards that a player purchases go into their own Room, where they help defend against the Monsters that have been placed there by the other players.
At the end of a player's turn, the Allies and Monsters their room battle it out! If the Monsters are able to overwhelm the player's Allies, then any excess damage lowers the player's Health. If this reduces the player to 0 Health, they are eliminated from the game. The last player left standing survives the night and claims victory!
To make things a bit more tricky, there are also five random Horror cards that are seeded into the communal purchasing deck - or the "Asylum" - at regular intervals. Horrors function a lot like monsters, except that they're much more deadly and harder to kill.
Additionally, most Horrors have global effects that warp how the game plays around them whenever they're faceup anywhere, causing the turn order to reverse, removing Allies from the game when they're defeated, or running wildly from one Room to the next in an attempt to kill everyone!
Optional solitaire rules allow a player to brave the depths of the Asylum alone (though we recommend dragging your friends along for best results).

Core Game Contents
50 (2 cards x25 each) Starter Cards
42 (14 cards x3 each) Ally Cards
45 (15 cards x3 each) Monster Cards
13 (13 cards x1 each) Horror Cards
10 (2 cards x5 each) Health Trackers
5 (1 card x5 each) Reminder Cards
5 Translucent Red Health Trackers
Box Spacer
Seeds of Evil Contents
9 (3 cards x3 each) Ally Cards
9 (3 cards x3 each) Monster Cards
3 (3 cards x1 each) Horror Cards
14 (1 card x14 each) Podling Cards

Box Dimensions: 5.5 x 4 x 3 in (14 x 10.2 x 7.6 cm)
Card Dimensions: 2.5 x 3.5 in (63.5 mm X 88.9 mm)
The divider ensures that the cards are held snugly.
If removed, it allows the box to hold sleeved cards.
Seeds of Evil Expansion
"A strange meteor shower has brought the Garluche Plant to the asylum's therapeutic garden! As its Podlings creep through the halls of the asylum in human form, the Garluche Plant spreads its vines and tries to overwhelm the world in its grotesque spawn..."
Seeds of Evil is an expansion to Lockwood's Asylum that pays homage to great horror films such as Invasion of the Body Snatchers and The Day of the Triffids. This expansion introduces the insidious Podlings, which are spawned by a number of the Monsters and Horrors to put further pressure on the players.
Adding the Seeds of Evil cards to a game is as simple as shuffling all the non-Podling cards into the cards from the base game. Grab a jumbo-sized bucket of weed killer and get to work! The Asylum has never been more dangerous!
The Seeds of Evil Expansion is included in all copies of Lockwood's Asylum.

For sale as an optional accessory, these premium playmats are a great way to organize your game. We offer both Asylum and Room playmats in three different styles (Horror, Blood, and Shadow). You can mix and match your playmats or buy the same style. All playmats are the same size and material.

Dimensions: 17.75 x 12 x in (45 x 30.5 cm)
Soft topped, rubber backed, mouse pad material.